bwbench - a tool for measuring network bandwidth

[ Description ] [ Screenshot ] [ History ] [ To do ] [ Requirements ] [ Download ] [ Installation ] [ Usage ]



bwbench is a tiny tool for measuring network bandwidth. It will connect to a given host and port and measure the incoming bandwidth. Combined with netcat you can measure your bandwidth. bwbench is GPL'ed.


Here is a screenshot:


Version 0.1 (24.03.04)

To do



Version 0.1


  1. Download bwbenchX.X.c (replace X.X with the version number)
  2. Compile it with: gcc -o bwbench bwbenchX.X.c
  3. If you want to install it, copy it into your binary directory, e.g.: cp bwbench /usr/bin
  4. You can run it by typing bwbench or (if not installed) ./bwbench. See the usage for details.


You have to run bwbench as shown here, where host is the host name to connect to and port is the port number:

bwbench host port

To measure the outgoing bandwidth of host A (respectively the incoming bandwidth of host B) first run netcat on host A:

cat /dev/zero | nc -lp some_port

Then connect to the netcat server with bwbench on host B:

bwbench A some_port

bwbench will show you now the incoming bandwidth of host B. Hit CTRL+C to stop.

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Last update: 24.03.04

Copyright (C) 2004 by Thomas "tom" S. <tom at>

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